Thursday, June 16, 2011


Rent Control law extended 3 years. This law was one of the causes for the owners fearing that a neighborhood would decline in worth. The demand for homes was higher than the supply, in 1968 the percentage for vacant and available apartments was 1.23%. On account of such a high demand for apartments the landowners would knowingly raise the rent in order to compensate for the lack of living space throughout the city. Laws like this many others were put into place to maintain order and repairs in the residential buildings of New York City.
New York Times April 1, 1970.

A block and a half away from Avenue B a 21 year old man and an 18 year old girl were found naked in a dirty tenement cellar with their heads bashed in with a brick. Drastic changes began to take place in the East Village between the era of peace and love to the turbulent and violent 70's. The article tells of a dying breed of hippies who have lived for too long of the peaceful ideals of the sixties and now find themselves leaving New York in droves fearing for their safety. "The love thing is dead; the flower thing is dead."
New York Times October 11th, 1967

President Nixon stated during his election campaign that he wanted to do away with the draft and in place substitute a volunteer army but because of the man power demands of war he postponed asking for the volunteer army and in place of that has developed a lottery draft, limiting a young mans liability to the year after his 19th birthday.

300,000 rock fans gathered in the Catskills to celebrate a music festival known as Woodstock. The sudden impact it had on the residents of Sullivan county was a rather powerful one. Highways in a twenty mile radius were made completely impassable. There were casualties, two dead and three injured but the overall energy of the festival was a landmark of American music.

Draft deferments were granted to citizens who maintained a job eligible of being deemed too important to send to war. This day in history marks the start of a new law making all men who's jobs don't affect "national health safety and interest" susceptible to the united states draft.
New York Times April 26, 1970

New state law ending divorce discrimination among the poor who could not afford the expenses involved in ending a marriage.
New York Times April 26, 1970

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