Tuesday, June 14, 2011



  • US troops invade Cambodia (May 1). Background: Vietnam War

  • Earthquake kills more than 50,000 in Peru (May 31).


  • Four students at Kent State University in Ohio slain by National Guardsmen at demonstration protesting incursion into Cambodia (May 4).

  • Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution (June 24).


    Median Household Income
    (current dollars):  $8,734
    Consumer Price Index:   38.8
    Unemployment:   3.5%
    Cost of a first-class stamp:   $0.06


    If you have $100 Converted from 1970 to 2005 it would be equivalent to $517.65 today

    In 1970 a new house cost
    $23,400.00 and by 1979 was $58,500.00 Examples of homes and Property for sale in the 1970's

    In 1970 the average income per year was
    $9,350.00 and by 1979 was $17,550.00

    In 1970 a gallon of gas was
    36 cents and by 1979 was 86 cents

    In 1970 the average cost of new car was
    $3,900.00 and by 1979 was $5,770.00 Examples of Models and Car Prices in the 70's 
    Super Bowl 
    Kansas City d. Minnesota (23-7) 
    World Series
    Baltimore d. Cincinnati (4-1)
    NBA Championship 
    New York d. LA Lakers (4-3)



    • The Beatles break up. By the end of the year, each member had released a solo album.
    • George C. Scott gives one of film's most memorable performances in Patton. He won the Best Actor Oscar for his turn as the title character, but refused the gold statuette.
    • Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin both die drug-related deaths at age 27.
    • FCC regulations require separate ownership of television networks and studios.
    • Midnight Cowboy wins the Best Picture Oscar, the first and only time an X-rated movie received the honor.


    • M*A*S*H, Patton, Love Story, Airport


    • Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
    • John Berryman, Love and Fame
    • Nikki Giovanni, Black Talk/Black Judgement
    • Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
    • Gail Godwin, The Perfectionist
    • Biochemist Hamilton O. Smith (US) discovers a restriction enzyme that will allow biologist Daniel Nathans (US) to map a complete viral genome. Background: genetic engineering
    • IBM introduces the floppy disk. Background: Computers and Internet
    • Bar codes (computer-scanned binary signal code) are introduced for retail and industrial use in England.
    • The LCD (liquid crystal display) is invented by Hoffmann-La Roche (Switzerland).
    • The Food and Drug Administration warns that birth control pills may cause blood clots. Background: Birth & Contraception
    • Lithium is approved by the FDA for the treatment of manic-depression.

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